Wardell Station welcomes you

Wardell Station welcomes you
Wardell Station late 1950s

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Track Pain design

I have labelled this post as "Track Pain design" as this is one part of building a layout which I find overwhelming, filled with decisions and compromises. I needed somewhere to start and knew I wanted to model Petersham station area when trams previously run along Trafalgar Street.

 A first time visit to the ARHS Resource Centre at Redfern assisted me in determining what the goods yard looked like before the Training Centre was built.  The blokes there were very helpful but I stumped them by asking them for the dimensions for the North Strathfield "Ärnotts" underpass which they couldn't tell me on the day as I will be modelling something similar for the 1970s section of the layout.

After I left I received a call stating that they had found the information which meant another planned visit. 

From the visit, I discovered that the Petersham goods yard and the trackwork around the station had gone through various transformations over its time.

This made it difficult to determine how will I plan the track work for Petersham. Will I stick with the prototype with the exact era or if its  even possible considering how much space I have.

The left photo is how the track work looked before goods yard was extended all the way to Gordon street.

This photo shows how the goods yard looked in about 1937 and probably when the goods yard area was most extensively.

There was a turnback between the two local tracks on the station and a shunting neck heading towards Crystal street.

Also. only No#1 track had electrical overhead.

Based on this diagram it would not be possible to include all this so compromises and decisions will be made.

In the end, I was able to complete a design for the track plans for the layout .
This process took a few weeks:
  • Testing with full size cut-outs of Peco points

  • Q&A with my friendly model train shop regarding double and single slips
  • A feeble attempt to learn and use "Anyrail" software to prepare a written diagram of the track plan.
Full details will be posted in the next update.

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